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Mr. Pilates has designed more than 20 different types of equipment, many of which are still popular today. Many Pilates equipment uses springs of different sizes and tensions. The springs are at different heights and angles

Mr. Pilates has designed more than 20 different types of equipment, many of which are still popular today. Many Pilates equipment uses springs of different sizes and tensions. The springs are at different heights and angles, and are attached to brackets, bars and hooks. Each equipment has a special resistance. Some equipment supports full-body movement, while others require stabilizing one part of the body while coordinating the movement of other parts.

The big equipment constitutes a professional Pilates studio, and today I bring you the most classic 5 Pilates big equipment.


1. Reformer core bed

Mr. Pilates has designed more than 20 different types of equipment, many of which are still popular today. Many Pilates equipment uses springs of different sizes and tensions. The springs are at different heights and angles, and are attached to brackets, bars and hooks. Each equipment has a special resistance. Some equipment supports full-body movement, while others require stabilizing one part of the body while coordinating the movement of other parts.

The big equipment constitutes a professional Pilates studio, and today I bring you the most classic 5 Pilates big equipment.

The core bed with the box installed, you can do a lot of prone and sitting movements on the box

With the help of some equipment (such as towers, boxes, springboards), the core bed can be transformed into different ways of use

2.Trapeze Table Swing Frame/Cadillac Bed

The swing stand, aka the Cadillac bed (not the Cadillac that sells cars!!) is also a Pilates machine that is often seen in the public eye. The function of the swing frame is also very powerful, and the user can exercise through the "swing" on the bed frame. With the change of the setting of the swing and the spring, users can change various movements on the swing frame according to their own needs! (With the help of the tower, the core bed can also realize the function of a part of the swing frame!

3. Chair

The "chair" in Pilates is different from the chair we sit on in our daily life. The chair we are referring to here is a delicate device with pedals and linked by springs. + By using this chair, the user can fully train the control and strength of his limbs with different body positions. In the BC studio, we chose the more powerful "Combo+Chair" combination chair. Compared with ordinary chairs, the modular chair integrates support handles, making some support movements possible

4. Ladder barrel

Ladder bucket, the most notable feature is the ladder on one side and the "bucket" on the other side. Because of the curved shape, ladder barrels are often used to stretch the spine. Standing, stretching, hanging, climbing, etc. can all be performed on the ladder barrel, and its unique height and design can support a considerable range of motion

5. Spine Corrector

Similar to the ladder barrel, the biggest feature of the spinal aligner is this curved shape, and one of the major advantages of the spinal aligner is that it is lighter and can be placed on yoga mats, core beds, and swing frames. Extend your spine in a supine or side-lying position. + Barrels of different heights and arcs support the body within the range of spinal flexibility, with a focus on ensuring safe spinal extension. In today's increasingly hunched over computer days, a little stretch goes a long way

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